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Leasing & tenancy

Let users have a quick overview of vacant units with clarity on location, position and availability.

import React, { useState, useCallback, useEffect } from 'react'
import numeral from 'numeral'

import Viewer from './Viewer'
import { units } from './_data'

const colorScale = rental =>
rental < 3000
? '#3aa655'
: rental < 6000
? '#c3ae0e'
: rental < 9000
? '#c77a15'
: '#ff3f34'

const LeasingTenancy = () => {
const [space, setSpace] = useState()

// memoize so Viewer render once only (wrapped in memo)
const onReady = useCallback(space => setSpace(space), [])

// render units
useEffect(() => {
if (!space) {
id: 'units',
type: 'polygon',
data: units,
tooltip: d => `${} - $${numeral(d.rental).format('0,0')}/mo`,
color: d => colorScale(d.rental),
alpha: 0.7,
height: 2.9
return () => {
}, [space])

return (
<div style={{ width: '100%', maxWidth: 800, margin: '0 auto' }}>
<Viewer mode='2d' onReady={onReady} />

export default LeasingTenancy