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Levels & rooms


To get the bounding box of the entire floor plate of a space, you can call the following query. The bounding box is defined as a polygon which is always straight with respect to the (x, z) axes.

spaceId: string,
levelIndex: number,
padding?: number
}): Promise<{
levelIndex: number,
x: number,
z: number
  • spaceId - unique identifier of the space in Smplrspace, something like "spc_xxx".
  • levelIndex - zero-based index of the level. Refer to the Furniture interface to learn more.
  • padding - optional - minimum space between the floor plate's grounds/walls and the bounding box in meters. Default value: 0


This is the synchronous equivalent of the query right above.

spaceId: string,
levelIndex: number,
padding?: number
}): {
levelIndex: number,
x: number,
z: number

where spaceId, levelIndex, and padding are as defined in getLevelBoundingBox.


To get the automatic ground of the entire floor plate of a space, you can call the following query. The automatic ground is the continuous concave hull of all the walls of the level put together. It may be enabled or disabled in the editor, but the value here will return a valid hull if the level exists and has walls.

spaceId: string,
levelIndex: number,
}): Promise<{
levelIndex: number,
x: number,
z: number
}[] | null>
  • spaceId - unique identifier of the space in Smplrspace, something like "spc_xxx".
  • levelIndex - zero-based index of the level. Refer to the Furniture interface to learn more.


This is the synchronous equivalent of the query right above.

spaceId: string,
levelIndex: number,
}): {
levelIndex: number,
x: number,
z: number
}[] | null

where spaceId, and levelIndex are as defined in getLevelAutomaticGround.


Rooms are automatically extracted closed polygons formed by the walls of a floor plan. To get the automatic rooms of the entire floor plate of a space, you can call the following query.

spaceId: string,
levelIndex: number,
useCache?: boolean
}): Promise<{
room: {
levelIndex: number,
x: number,
z: number
holes: {
levelIndex: number,
x: number,
z: number
coordinates: {
levelIndex: number,
x: number,
z: number
}[] | null>
  • spaceId - unique identifier of the space in Smplrspace, something like "spc_xxx".
  • levelIndex - zero-based index of the level. Refer to the Furniture interface to learn more.
  • useCache - optional - set this to control whether the request should use the client's local cache of computed automatic rooms. You can call this query with useCache set to false to refresh the cache for all automatic rooms related queries. Default value: true


This is the synchronous equivalent of the query right above.

spaceId: string,
levelIndex: number,
}): {
levelIndex: number,
x: number,
z: number
}[] | null

where spaceId, and levelIndex are as defined in getRoomsOnLevel.


Building on the automatic rooms described in getRoomsOnLevel, you can also request for the room located at a specific location.

spaceId: string,
point: {
levelIndex: number,
x: number,
z: number
}): Promise<{
room: {
levelIndex: number,
x: number,
z: number
holes: {
levelIndex: number,
x: number,
z: number
coordinates: {
levelIndex: number,
x: number,
z: number
}[] | null>
  • spaceId - unique identifier of the space in Smplrspace, something like "spc_xxx".
  • point - the point coordinates in 2D, with the same schema as polygon below.


This is the synchronous equivalent of the query right above.

spaceId: string,
point: {
levelIndex: number,
x: number,
z: number
}): {
room: {
levelIndex: number,
x: number,
z: number
holes: {
levelIndex: number,
x: number,
z: number
coordinates: {
levelIndex: number,
x: number,
z: number
}[] | null

where spaceId, and point are as defined in getRoomAtPoint.