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To get all details about a space, you can call the following query.

smplrClient.getSpace(id: string, options?: { useCache?: boolean }): Promise<{
id: string
created_at: string
modified_at: string
name: string
public_link_enabled: boolean
status: 'draft' | 'published' | 'archived'
definition: object | null
embed_image: string | null
short_code: string | null
assetmap: object | null
  • id - unique identifier of the space in Smplrspace, something like "fbc5617e-5a27-4138-851e-839446121b2e".
  • options - optional - as described below.
  • options.useCache - optional - set this to control whether the request should use the client's local cache. Default value: false


This is the synchronous equivalent of the query right above.

smplrClient.getSpaceFromCache(id: string): Space

where id and Space are as defined in getSpace, without the Promise.


To get the full assetmap of a space, as saved in the mapper UI, you can call the following query.

smplrClient.getSpaceAssetmap(id: string): Promise<unknown>
  • id - unique identifier of the space in Smplrspace, something like "fbc5617e-5a27-4138-851e-839446121b2e".

Note that this query is currently not typed as the mapper is still in private beta. You should expect an array of "asset groups", each "asset group" being an object. The return value corresponds to the JSON export from the mapper UI.


This is the synchronous equivalent of the query right above.

smplrClient.getSpaceAssetmapFromCache(id: string): unknown

where id and the return value are as defined in getSpaceAssetmap.

Need any other data?

Get in touch with any use-case that would require new queries to be exposed.